Monday, October 6, 2008

Actually September

Pigs! I'm hoping they'll be ready to butcher in about 6 weeks. They're just getting milk and house scraps so they're not growing as quickly as they could..but its not costing me much either. I attempted to measure heart girth and came out with 150lbs right now. Hopefully they were wiggling and they are actually bigger!

Morgyn being very helpful and holding goats for photos. I've finally sold the silver one..Yeah! She'll be picked up by her new owners at the end of the month. Only one more left to sell!

Frogs, Frogs everywhere! we've never seen so many frogs. They are under almost everything I pick up in the yard. I even found one in my kitchen sink the other day. A tiny little green guy. Here are two taking a snooze in the handle of my shovel.
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1 comment:

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

sweet! cute frogs and I love new posts!