Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Project

We spent our holiday weekend working on a retaining wall along the house. We got that finished and still had half of our blocks left so decided to build one along the yard as well. Then we re-did the steps. The blocks were all free. Zack salvaged them from work, we just need a few more to be completely done. I think it turned out pretty well!
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Friday, February 20, 2009


For those of you on the west side...take a look at our snow. While the rest of the state thinks spring is coming, we are resigned to snow until May at least. It would take a major heat wave to melt what we have here. SO Depressing! I've had some goat babies and her is a picture of our first little girl zonked out on the floor of Morgyn's room. She was born on Valentine's Day and went to our V-day dinner at the church. She was a hit! Another photo of Zack enjoying a cigar..this one is a called a "Nub". Short and fat and supposedly the best part of the cigar. He said it was good..I"ll take his word for it. The adoptino paperwork is still trudging along. What I wouldn't give for some SUNSHINE!

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Friday, January 16, 2009


I have been so bad about posting pictures to the blog! Before Christmas we signed our contracts with All God's Children International and started the process to adopt a child from Oregon Foster Care. Truthfully, that has pretty much consumed my thought and efforst these days. After Christmas I got my home study binder with all the paperwork I have to gather..I am ALMOST done!!! But in the meanitime here are some photos from the last month. We have lots of snow..a new niece Sophia (Picture of Abi holding her on New Years Eve). Morgyn has decided she wants to grow her hair out like mine..Zack is back to work after almost a month off.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Autunm days...

It's getting cold, and I'm in denial! I'm not ready for winter yet. I've had to break ice off the water troughs already. Okay, so caption for the picture with the boys is "REAL MEN DRINK TEA! Our last big hurrah with Nathan as a single man. We stayed up late visiting and the guys broke out the real mugs!

Morgyn is a great student and Kindergarten in going great. She grimaces and sticks out her toungue when she consentrates. I still haven't been able to capture the "Hepner" grimace which she SOOOO does!

We made some great new friends who came up from Clarkston to buy a goat from me. They stayed overnight in a cabin and we got to visit for a whole day. Tammy and her 17 year old daughter Lindsey. Tammy is a soapmaker too, and we swapped soap and talked a lot about that. She makes really amazing bars with just her own herbs and essential oils-SOOoo Good. Lindsey has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheelchair. What a sweet young lady she and Morgyn have made fast friends and she was so generous spending her time with a 4 year old! I hope we get to spend more time with them and get to know them better! I'm so MAD that I didn't get any picture while they were here...Grrrr!

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Monday, October 6, 2008

My new floor...

A cute snap of Morgyn in front of my black eyed susans. I really need to print some photos up to send to grandparents!

Here are some pictures of my new floor. Its hard to get a decent picture with my wimpy flash. Daniel helped A LOT! I love it!!
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Actually September

Pigs! I'm hoping they'll be ready to butcher in about 6 weeks. They're just getting milk and house scraps so they're not growing as quickly as they could..but its not costing me much either. I attempted to measure heart girth and came out with 150lbs right now. Hopefully they were wiggling and they are actually bigger!

Morgyn being very helpful and holding goats for photos. I've finally sold the silver one..Yeah! She'll be picked up by her new owners at the end of the month. Only one more left to sell!

Frogs, Frogs everywhere! we've never seen so many frogs. They are under almost everything I pick up in the yard. I even found one in my kitchen sink the other day. A tiny little green guy. Here are two taking a snooze in the handle of my shovel.
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Soap Makeover

Okay, well this just might become a soap blog..who knows :-) I decided my "signature" fragrance and soap..the "Halo" bar needed a makeover. I had a vision of putting a halo in the soap, so I gave it a try..I like the way it turned out. I also got my new makers stamp..it will probably go on most of the bars..I designed it myself and I think its pretty cool! Zing!
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